Archiving of unlicensed OneDrive users

Archiving of unlicensed OneDrive users

Microsoft has announced that OneDrive users without a valid license will no longer be archived. Unless you decide to pay for it. This news has caused quite a stir, especially among users and organizations that relied on the previous archiving services. The paid archiving of unlicensed OneDrive users is a fact. In this blog post, I will discuss this and show you how to find out which OneDrives are affected.

MS Teams Meetings in separate windows

MS Teams separate windows

Already at the Microsoft Ignite in November 2019, the feature and support of multiple windows for Microsoft teams was announced. Since a few months this feature is already in rollout, but only for private chats (see post of 18.05.2020). Now the time has finally come and Microsoft is rolling out the feature of "MS Teams Meetings in separate windows". A long awaited feature on my part!

Backup and restore MFA-configuration

MFA Configuration Backup

Multi-factor authentication is widely used today and should be standard for all companies and individuals. But what if the configured MFA device is lost or broken? Microsoft's Authenticator App offers a practical, simple and secure solution to this problem through cloud backup of the MFA configuration. With it you can easily backup your existing MFA configuration. This article shows how to activate the backup, add another MFA device, load the backup data and remove the lost or broken device. And all of this can be done very easily in a few steps.

Microsoft Teams Multi-Windows Rollout

The lack of different windows in teams has disturbed many active users and probably limited their productivity. While the predecessor Skype for Business, for example, allows several chats to be opened simultaneously and side by side, this was not possible with Microsoft Teams until now. A user is particularly restricted when he or she is in an online meeting ... Read more

Office 365 in Switzerland - Migration of an existing tenant

Office 365 has recently become available from Microsoft's Swiss data centers. Everyone should have noticed this by now. New clients (tenants) with Swiss addresses store the data of core services such as Exchange, SharePoint and teams in the Swiss data centers. But what about existing clients that have already been previously created? Migration to Switzerland 365 Switzerland ... Read more
